Gomułka's speech at the mass rally in Warsaw on October 24, 1956

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Gomułka's speech on October 24, 1956

The speech of the 1st Secretary of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party Gomułka at the mass rally in Warsaw on October 24, 1956 was a speech by Władysław Gomułka (1905–1982) at a rally of the Warsaw people he held on October 24, 1956, after the 8th plenum of the Central Committee (KC PZPR) of the Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR) , which took place from 19-21 Held October 1956. The speech was given at a time when the first attempts to reform the political system were being made in the People's Republic of Poland . Nikita Khrushchev's secret speech on the cult of personality and its consequences was given in the same year. The day before the plenary session, Khrushchev had unexpectedly come to Warsaw. In addition, units of the Soviet Army began to advance towards Warsaw. On October 21, Władysław Gomułka was elected as the new 1st Secretary of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party. His speech at the Defilierplatz ( Plac Defilad ) in front of the Warsaw Palace of Culture took place in front of a few hundred thousand people. In his speech, Gomułka condemned Stalinism and announced reforms to democratize the system. The announcements of reforms were enthusiastically received by the many citizens gathered. The communist Gomułka suddenly became a national hero. From November 16-18, he headed the Polish delegation that traveled to Moscow and received substantial concessions from the Soviet side. When he drove to Moscow, crowds at train stations prayed for his happy return home.

Immediately after these events, Marshal Konstantin Rokossowski and many other Soviet officers serving in the Polish army left Poland.

See also


  • Władysław Gomułka; Juliusz Mieroszewski (Komm.): Przemówienie 1 Secretary KC PZPR Władysława Gomułki na VIII plenary session 21. X. 1956. Paryż: Instytut Literacki , 1956. Biblioteka "Kultury" , documentary, z. 2. worldcat.org
  • Paul E. Zinner: National Communism and Popular Revolt in Eastern Europe. 1956 ( partial online view ).
  • Pavel Kolár: Post-Stalinism: ideology and utopia of an era. ( Online partial view )
  • Andrzej Werblan: “Wladyslaw Gomulka and the Dilemma of Polish Communism.” International Political Science Review / Revue internationale de science politique , Vol. 9, No. 2, Political Leadership (Le leadership politique), Apr. 1988, pp. 143–158 ( partial online view )

Web links

Gomułka's speech at the mass rally in Warsaw on October 24, 1956 (alternative names of the lemma)
Gomułka's speech on October 24, 1956; Speech by the 1st Secretary of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party Władysław Gomułka on October 24, 1956; Gomułka's speech on October 24, 1956; Speech on Defilad Square, October 1956; Przemówienie na placu Defilad, październik 1956; Przemówienie Władysława Gomułki na wiecu w Warszawie: Plac Defilad, 24 października 1956 roku; Speech by Władysław Gomułka at a rally in Warsaw: Plac Defilad, October 24, 1956; Speech by Gomułka at the mass rally in Warsaw on October 24, 1956; Gomułka's speech on October 24, 1956; Przemówienie Władysława Gomułki na wiecu w Warszawie: Plac Defilad, 24 października 1956 roku