Reflex auriculo-cardiale

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That of Paul Nogier introduced auriculo-cardiac reflex , and reflex auriculo-cardiac , Nogier reflex , vascular VAC autonomous signal or RAC , referred to in the reasoned from him auricular acupuncture (auricular medicine) an alleged short-term response of the human cycle of stimulation of certain acupuncture points of the pinna . The reaction should last less than 20 seconds. One of the reactions should be a possible influencing of certain pulse characteristics, which are used diagnostically by appropriately trained therapists. In particular, the stimulation should either slow down or accelerate the heart rate (pulse rate). Furthermore, the pulse amplitude (or the pulse increase in the sense of an increase in blood pressure ) is interpreted as a diagnostically evaluable sign. Some authors also refer to the RAC to palpable circulatory reactions after irritation of any point on the skin surface .

Theoretical background from the point of view of auriculomedicine

The theoretical background named by Nogier states that the vascular tone changes under stress (in the sense of irritation from acupuncture needles at certain locations on the auricle), and thus also a corresponding unspecified resonance behavior of the arteries . It requires intensive training, very thin skin on the fingertips (gardening, for example, is forbidden for therapists) and a certain “talent” to learn this form of diagnosis. It is assumed that the human body is surrounded by a tension field that can be modified by applying direct current sources. As part of RAC diagnostics, stimulating various “active” and “inactive” points is used to examine whether RAC-related reactions of the circulatory system occur. After a therapeutic treatment, the same procedure is used to check whether the corresponding points have been "deleted".


Traditionally, the pulse is felt with the thumb of the left hand over the radial artery (radial pulse). According to its proponents and users, the RAC should be able to diagnose allergies . Furthermore, this procedure should be able to give homeopaths advice on the choice of their remedies and their dilution.

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) this type of diagnosis has not been used until now (2005). The pulse diagnosis in TCM aims at significantly different statements that move in the terms of TCM.

RAC diagnostics is not scientifically recognized and is one of the methods of alternative medicine .