Radial artery

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Arteria radialis
( radial , left in the picture),
Arteria ulnaris
( ulnar , right in the picture)

In humans, the radial artery ( radial artery ) is the continuation of the brachial artery after the ulnar artery emerges . In domestic animals , it is a superficial branch of the median artery . The artery is named after the forearm bone radius (spoke) along which it runs on the front of the forearm under the brachioradialis muscle together with the superficial branch of the radial nerve . The arteria radialis in the foveola radialis (tabatière), which is bounded by the tendons of the extensor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis muscles, is easy to find .

The radial artery supplies the forearm with blood . Its ramus carpeus dorsalis feeds the rete carpi dorsale , its terminal branch forms the deep palm arch ( arcus palmaris profundus , deep volar arch ).

Clinical significance

The pulse is often measured at the radial artery . The Adson test assesses the pulse of the radial artery to diagnose diseases at the chest-neck junction. The Allen test can be used to determine whether there is a one-sided blood supply to the palm arch or whether there is a disruption of the blood flow in the radial artery. In dialysis patients, the radial artery is usually used to apply a Cimino shunt .

A skin flap supplied by the radial artery ( radial flap ) can be used to cover larger skin defects on the arm. The radial artery can also be removed in a minimally invasive manner (→ endoscopic removal of the radial artery ) in order to use it for a bypass of the heart.

Individual evidence

  1. FCAT - Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology: Terminologia Anatomica. Thieme, Stuttgart et al. 1998, ISBN 3-13-114361-4 .


  • Uwe Gille: Cardiovascular and immune system, Angiologia. In: Franz-Viktor Salomon, Hans Geyer, Uwe Gille (Ed.): Anatomy for veterinary medicine. 2nd, revised and expanded edition. Enke, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-8304-1075-1 , pp. 404-463.