Rule type disorder

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Classification according to ICD-10
N91 Missed, weak or infrequent menstruation
N92 Menstruation that is too heavy, too frequent, or irregular
N93 Other abnormal uterine or vaginal bleeding
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

The term normal type disorder , also called type anomalies, summarizes abnormalities in the bleeding pattern of the menstrual cycle . A distinction is made between decreased and increased menstrual bleeding. This is to be distinguished from the regular pace disorders, also known as pace anomalies, which denote disorders of the bleeding intervals. Bleeding disorders can be combined with type and tempo disorders.

The rule type disorders include:

  • Hypomenorrhea with very weak menstrual bleeding
  • Hypermenorrhea with excessive menstrual bleeding
  • Menorrhagia , with menstrual bleeding extended to seven to 14 days
  • Metrorrhagia with acyclic bleeding, that is, bleeding outside the normal cycle
  • Menometrorrhagia with intermenstrual bleeding that lasts longer than 14 days
