Karol Sidor government

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The Karol Sidor government , led by Prime Minister Karol Sidor , was the fifth government of Slovakia (officially also "Slovak Land", Slovak Slovenská země ), the autonomous state of Czecho-Slovakia 1938-1939. She was in office from March 11, 1939 to March 14, 1939. She succeeded the Jozef Sivák government .

Government formation

After the government of Jozef Sivák was removed on March 11, the Karol Sidor government was put into office. After three days, with the declaration of independence of the Slovak state on March 14, 1939, the autonomous Slovakia as part of Czecho-Slovakia came to an end and the business of government was handed over to the first government of the Slovak state - Government Jozef Tiso IV .

Government composition

All ministers were in office from March 11, 1939 to March 14, 1939.

Party affiliation

The leading and only authorized party in the Slovak state was Hlinkova slovenská ľudová strana - Strana slovenskej národnej jednoty , known in German as Hlinkas Slovak People's Party , or Hlinka Party for short . It had the character of a unity party .


  1. The legally enshrined autonomy of Slovakia (Law 299/1938, text online ) and the Carpathian Ukraine (Law 328/1938, text online ) established two autonomous governments for these two parts of the country; the so-called "Czech Lands" (part of the country consisting of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia) did not receive their own government and were administered by the Czech-Slovak central government in Prague, which also took on some tasks (such as the foreign ministry and defense) for the entire state.

Individual evidence

  1. VLÁDY REPUBLIKY ČESKOSLOVENSKÉ , section VLÁDY SLOVENSKÉ KRAJINY , digital repository of the House of Representatives of the Czech Republic, online at: psp.cz / ...
  2. Slovakia in the Second World War - government lists , material from the Herder Institute for East Central European Research, online at: herder-institut.de/...64.html
  3. VLÁDY V OBDOBÍ POMNICHOVSKÉHO ČESKOSLOVENSKA (TZV. DRUHÉ REPUBLIKY) A PROTEKTORÁTU (October 4, 1938 - May 5, 1945) , section AUTONOMNÍ VLÁDY SLOVENSKA , in: Milan Churaň et al., KDO BYLách KDOšich KDOšich KDOšich století , encyclopedia, LIBRI publishing house, Prague 1998, ISBN 80-85983-65-6 , online at: libri.cz/databaze / ...
  4. (Stanislava Kolková :) Slovakia in the Second World War , material from the Herder Institute for East Central European Research, online at: herder-institut.de/...seite.html
  5. Slovakia in the Second World War - Chronology , material from the Herder Institute for East Central European Research, online at: herder-institut.de/...63.html

See also