Regional marketing

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Trans-sectoral character of regional marketing
Delimitation of regional marketing

The Regional Marketing is a

“Market-oriented control concept for the sustainable internal and external strengthening of regions of internal homogeneity through the planned use of the marketing concept . It is cross-sectoral and aims to shape the relationships between regions and their target groups . It uses the endogenous potential of a region and is initiated and supported by the regional actors on a voluntary, cooperative basis. "

Regional marketing , similar to city ​​marketing , arose from the increasing competition between regions and territorial associations for citizens, tourists, investors and companies willing to settle.


  • Hans H. Blotevogel, Günter Heinritz, Herbert Popp: Regional consciousness . Comments on the key concept of a conference . In: Reports on German regional studies , Vol. 60, H. 1 1986, pp. 103-114
  • Gunter Bühler: Regional marketing as a new instrument of regional planning in Bavaria , In: Writings on spatial planning and regional planning (SRL), Volume 11. Augsburg, Kaiserslautern 2002, ISBN 3-9806388-9-8
  • Jörn-Axel Meyer: Regional Marketing: Basics, Concepts, Application . Valen, Munich 1999, ISBN 3-8006-2499-0
  • Wim Schwerdtner: Success factors in regional marketing of rural areas - An empirical study of the LEADER + and REGIONENaktiv regions in Germany and Austria , Norderstedt 2008, ISBN 3-8370-6580-4
  • Henk Van Houtum, Arnoud Lagendijk: Contextualizing Regional Identity and Imagination in the Construction of Polycentric Urban Regions: The Case of the Ruhr and the Basque Country . In: Urban Studies , Vol. 38, No. 4, 2001, pp. 747-767
  • Peter Weichhart : Designer Regions - Answers to the Challenges of Global Location Competition? In: Information on Spatial Development, 9/10. 2000, pp. 549-564

Individual evidence

  1. Wim Schwerdtner: Success factors in regional marketing of rural areas - An empirical study of the LEADER + and REGIONENaktiv regions in Germany and Austria, Norderstedt 2008, p. 25.