Registry (draft sample)

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Registry is a design pattern from the field of software development . It differs from most other patterns in that its elements do not belong to any of the different layers of software, but are available globally. The registry pattern makes certain data available for all parts of a software system, for example configuration settings or information about sessions . This data is made available either via static methods of the registry class or an object of the registry class. An instance of a registry class is always created using the singleton pattern and is therefore unique.


The registry pattern was first described in the 2002 book Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture by Martin Fowler .


  • Martin Fowler: Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture , Addison-Wesley, Amsterdam 2002, ISBN 0321127420 , p. 480 ( online )


  • Stephan Schmidt: PHP Design Patterns, 2nd edition, O'Reilly, Cologne 2009, ISBN 978-3-89721-864-2 , pp. 396-405
  • Matt Zandstra: PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice , 4th Edition, Apress, Berkeley 2013, ISBN 978-1-4302-6031-8 , pp. 230-240


  1. ^ Martin Fowler: Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture , Addison-Wesley, Amsterdam 2002, p. 480.
  2. ^ Matt Zandstra: PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice , 4th Edition, Apress, Berkeley 2013, p. 231.