Regius Professor of Ocean Sciences (Southampton)

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The Regius Professor of Ocean Sciences is a 2016 by Queen Elizabeth II. On the occasion of her 90th birthday , donated Regius Professor of Oceanography at the University of Southampton .

History of the professorship

In 2015, during his speech on the state budget , Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne announced plans to establish additional Regius professorships on the occasion of the Queen's 90th birthday (April 26, 2016). Unlike in earlier times, the recent appointments are no longer accompanied by funding. This plan was implemented on June 6, 2016. Together with this professorship, eleven further professorships were donated.

The National Oceanography Center Southampton (NOCS) is a world-class research facility. The acceptance of the professorship indicates the high evaluation that the research of the institution of the royal commission was able to show. After the royal deed was handed over, the university began looking for the first professor.

The board of the university decided to outsource the professorship and intensively searched for suitable candidates for the professorship, for whom an exceptional career with the proven ability to obtain funding for research was expected. Several rounds of tenders were carried out. In 2020, Harry Bryden, a still active but emeritus professor from Southampton, was appointed as the first Regius Professorship.


Surname name suffix from to annotation
Harry Bryden AB, Ph.D .; FRS 2020 Bryden has taught in Southampton for over 25 years and helped ensure that the university was awarded a Regius Professorship. He became famous for his work on global ocean currents and their importance for the global climate.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d University of Southampton receives Royal Warrant to establish Regius Professor of Ocean Sciences ; University of Southampton press release on the delivery of the Royal Warrant from February 15, 2017.
  2. ^ The Regius Professorship of Ocean Sciences. In: The Regius Professorship of Ocean Sciences. University of Southampton, p. 14 , accessed March 15, 2018 .
  3. Richard Garner (2015) Budget 2015: Universities will be allowed to raise fees beyond £ 9,000, says George Osborne ; The Independent of July 8, 2015; accessed on August 14, 2015.
  4. a b Press release from the Cabinet Office; Regius Professorships awarded to leading universities to mark Queen's 90th birthday on June 6, 2016.
  5. a b c d unknown: Professor Harry Bryden appointed Regius Professor of Ocean Sciences. University of Southampton, March 23, 2020, accessed May 12, 2020 .