Regression with stochastic regressors

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In the regression with stochastic regressors is special statistical analysis techniques to detect any dependencies of a statistical size of other variables, called regressors . In classic regression models (e.g. simple linear regression , multiple linear regression ) it is generally assumed that the regressors are non-random and often even adjustable quantities. In many practical cases, especially econometric models , this assumption cannot be maintained. You have to start from random, i.e. stochastic, regressors . It is of particular interest here how stochastic regressors affect the properties of the estimates (e.g. least squares estimators ) and significance tests . In short, the properties known for classical regression models are retained (at least approximately) as long as the stochastic regressors are uncorrelated with the disturbance terms (so-called exogeneity exists). However, if they are correlated (so-called endogeneity is present), then one basically has to go other ways.


First-order autoregressive process (AR (1))

The first order autoregressive process is a simple model of time series analysis and has the form


where white represents noise . The regressor at the time is the random regressor from the time .

Error-in-the-variables model

In the simplest case, a simple linear regression model is given (see, for example):


however, it can only be observed with random error ; H. you then have the stochastic regressor . Such models are called error-in-variables models .

Simultaneous equations

As an example, consider the Keynesian consumption function with two simultaneous equations (see e.g.):

This includes consumption, income and investment. If you put the first equation in the second, you get:


d. H. is random because it depends on.

General case

We consider a multiple linear regression model in vector-matrix form


It is the dimensional random vector of regressands, the matrix of regressors, the dimensional parameters to be estimated vector and the dimensional random vector of interference with and . It is assumed here that the data matrix has a full rank with probability 1, i. H. . The least squares estimator for has the shape


Since you can write with , is a linear function of the disturbance variables, which makes a linear estimator .

Non-random regressors

In this standard case, it is known that

  • is best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) with .
  • If the average square of the observed values ​​of the explanatory variables remains finite even with an infinite sample size: with positive definite , then is consistent for .
  • If the disturbance variable is normally distributed , then it is also normally distributed and t - or F - distributed test statistics can be formed.

Exogeneity of the regressors

This means that the regressors are stochastic but uncorrelated with the disturbance term , see e.g. B. In the error-in-the-variables example above, one has exogeneity when and are uncorrelated. Then:

  • is still BLUE with , see
  • If in probability converges to a positively definite matrix , then is consistent for , see e.g. B.
  • If is normally distributed, then is asymptotically normally distributed . The classic test statistics can be used for large ones.

General stochastic regressors

and are correlated, such as B. in the Keynesian consumer function. Then it is distorted and no longer consistent for . The classic test statistics cannot be used. In principle, other methods must be chosen.

For models of time series analysis , if there is an ARMA model more generally than in the above AR (1) example , there are special, partly recursive least-squares methods that generally lead to non-linear least-squares estimators , see e.g. B.

Under the heading Simultaneous equations one finds the method of the instrument variables , and since z. As the two-stage least squares estimator (Engl. Two-stage least squares estimator ) and the generalized method of moments (Engl. Generalized Method of Moments ) estimator gained GMM estimator . See, B.

Individual evidence

  1. Schneeweiß, H .: Ökonometrie , Physica Verlag 1990 (4th edition) Chapter 7 (3rd edition 1978)
  2. Schönfeld, P .: Methods of Econometrics , Volume II, Stochastic Regressors and Simultaneous Equations , Vahlen (Munich) 1971
  3. ^ Green, WH: Econometric Analysis , Prentice Hall 2002 (5th edition), page 42, full text
  4. ^ Green, WH: Econometric Analysis , Prentice Hall 2002 (5th edition), Theorem 4.3
  5. ^ Verbeek, M .: A Guide to Modern Econometrics, Wiley 2004 (2nd edition), page 34, full text
  6. Brockwell, PJ and Davis, RA: Time Series: Theory and Methods , Springer 1991 (2nd edition)
  7. ^ Green, WH: Econometric Analysis , Prentice Hall 2002 (5th edition), Chapter 15