Realm of women

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The empire of women ( Chinese  女 國  /  女 国 , Pinyin Nǚguó , W.-G. Nü-kuo , English Kingdom of Women / Women's Country ) was an ancient empire of the Qiang peoples in northeast Tibet , which was led by women. It was in the area of ​​today's Kham , north of Qamdo on Jinsha Jiang . The Sumpa ( Tib . : Sum-pa ; Chin. Supi 苏 毗 , Su-p'i ) have so far been wrongly associated with this realm of women.


  • Rolf A. Stein: The culture of Tibet . Berlin 1993

reference books

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References and footnotes

  1. Is Female Kingdom as Same as Supi ?: On the Differences between Female Kingdom and Supi and the Origin of the Claim that Female Kingdom is Supi (found on March 12, 2010)