Reimut Jochimsen Prize

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The Reimut Jochimsen Prize was an award given in honor of and in memory of the economist Reimut Jochimsen . In 2002, the Düsseldorf headquarters of the Deutsche Bundesbank donated a prize for research in the field of infrastructure . The prize, endowed with € 5,000, was awarded every two years. The award of the prize was discontinued in 2010.

The prize was awarded by a jury made up of the President of the Düsseldorf Central Office of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Hans Peter Weser , and three students of Professor Jochimsen:

Prize winners and topics

  • 2002 - "Infrastructure of the Information Society"
    • Christian Langhagen-Rohrbach
    • Nicole Andrea Philipp
    • Ulrich trick
  • 2004 - "European infrastructure policy, the infrastructure policy of the European Community within the framework of the realignment of the structural funds"
    • Henning Sichelschmidt
  • 2006 - "European infrastructure policy, further development of transport policy in the European Community"
  • 2008 - "European Infrastructure Policy, Challenges of Future Energy Markets in the European Community"
    • Juan Rosellón and Hannes Weigt

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