Travel & prices

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description Travel magazine
Area of ​​Expertise Air travel
language German
publishing company REISE & PREISE Verlags GmbH
First edition April 8,  1987
Frequency of publication quarterly
Editor-in-chief Oliver Kühn
Web link

REISE & PREISE is one of the largest German travel magazines that appears quarterly in Germany , Austria and Switzerland . It contains service and test reports on the subject of flying, country specials and travel reports . REISE & PRICE has existed since 1987.

The content

Illustrated country specials, travel reports, service articles and so-called insider tips are intended to awaken travel dreams and provide an environment for advertising messages. The magazine TRAVEL & RATES aimed at discerning individual and package tour , which can cost up their holiday money.

The reader

64 percent of readers are male. The average age in the last reader survey was 50.4 years. The readers of REISE & PREISE magazine have an above-average net household income of 3715 euros per month (the average income in Germany - Stat. Bundesamt 2015 - was 2706 euros).

REISE & PREISE is used by an average of 11.1 readers per issue. This corresponds to a reach of over 750,000 readers.

Readers undertake an average of 3.8 trips per year, of which 1.8 are short trips. The main trip lasts 20.7 days. On a national average, vacation trips abroad last 12.8 days. 89 percent of readers travel by plane. Readers spend an average of 2713 euros per main holiday trip. 15 percent spend the most beautiful weeks of the year more than 4000 euros. The average travel expenses of Germans were 983 euros (according to Reiseanalyse 2016, for trips of 5 days or more).

Web links