Republican Movement of Aotearoa New Zealand

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Logo of the Republican Movement of Aotearoa New Zealand

The Republican Movement of Aotearoa New Zealand is a political organization and movement in New Zealand that aims toabolishthe constitutional monarchy and transform New Zealand into a republic . The organization describes itself as impartial and offers a platform to be able to participate in the discussion and in forming an opinion on the topic.

The organization is not to be confused with the party The Republic of New Zealand Party , which also wants to introduce the republic, but as a right-wing conservative party z. B. calls into question the Treaty of Waitangi and all institutions of government based on ethnicity .


The organization is committed to:

  • to involve all New Zealanders in the Republic debate,
  • to provide relevant and reliable information,
  • to focus on the idea and the content and not on personalities,
  • to win a referendum to introduce the republic.

They state that no changes to the Treaty of Waitangi , the New Zealand flag or membership of the Commonwealth are necessary to form a republic .


The organization is officially called The Republican Movement of Aotearoa New Zealand Incorporated , is organized nationwide, may have locally related subdivisions, and has an elected President who has been called the Chair since 2006 . Lewis J. Holden has been Chairman since late 2006 .


In March 1994, then Prime Minister Jim Bolger publicly advocated the introduction of a republican system in New Zealand. That same year, in August 1994, The Republican Coalition of New Zealand was founded by a group of students at Victoria University in Wellington . In February 1995 the organization was registered as a company under its current name. At the constituent meeting in August, the statutes of the organization were approved, which were changed on June 10, 2004 to their current form.

The movement for the establishment of the republic also sees itself as an independence movement and lists every single step in the history of New Zealand, in which New Zealand broke away a bit more from Great Britain and became more independent. starting from 1835, when the French-born Charles de Thierry on Hokianga Harbor , the independence proclaimed, to the Head of State Referenda Bill , a referendum on Oct. 14, 2009 of the Green MPs Keith Locke initiated and the New Zealand Parliament has been introduced for decision .

The New Zealand writer Keri Hulme , who was awarded the Booker Prize in 1985 with her book Unter dem Tagmond , volunteered to be the patron of the movement . As a staunch supporter of a republic, she wrote the foreword in The New Zealand Republic Handbook , which was published on August 24, 2009 by Peter Dunne , former member of the New Zealand Labor Party and current President of United Future New Zealand . The day was well chosen: New Zealand was declared a Dominion on September 23, 102 years earlier .

Mood in the population

According to Research New Zealand , in November 2008 42% of New Zealanders surveyed were in favor of the introduction of a republic and 48% were against it. In the survey carried out between February 16 and 25, 2010, only 32% were in favor of the republic and 53% were against its introduction. What was interesting about the survey was that more men than women were in favor of a republic (38% to 28%). The idea also found more support from younger people than from older people (35% under 35, 29% over 55). The survey was carried out on 756 people over the age of 15.

The aspect that only a month earlier was interesting in the survey Prince William had long paid an official visit to New Zealand three days was received with military honors and was acknowledged in the media in full detail. The director of Research New Zealand , Emanuel Kalafatelis, admitted that this visit would influence the survey .

Web links

  • Homepage . New Zealand Republic Inc,accessed June 9, 2015.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Constitution of: The New Zealand Republic Inc . (PDF (75 kB)) Archived from the original on October 14, 2008 ; accessed on September 8, 2014 (English, original website no longer available).
  2. a b People involved . Republican Movement of Aotearoa New Zealand , archived from the original on June 1, 2010 ; accessed on May 29, 2016 (English, original website no longer available).
  3. ^ A b c History of republicanism in New Zealand . Republican Movement of Aotearoa New Zealand , archived from the original on November 28, 2010 ; accessed on May 29, 2016 (English, original website no longer available).
  4. Ruth Miriam Ross : Thierry, Charles Philip Hippolytus, Baron de . In: Alexander Hare McLintock (Ed.): An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand . Wellington 1966 ( online [accessed December 15, 2015]).
  5. ^ Head of state (Referenda) Bill . In: Wikisource . Retrieved June 9, 2015 .
  6. Keri Hulme's Bone People Wins Booker Prize . In: New Zealand History Online . Ministry for Culture & Heritage , accessed April 4, 2010 .
  7. ^ Republican Movement Launches New Salvo . In: Scoop Politics . Scoop Media , August 24, 2009, accessed April 4, 2010 .
  8. a b Should New Zealand become a republic? . Research New Zealand , March 4, 2010, archived from the original ; accessed on January 22, 2016 (English, original website no longer available).
  9. ^ Prince William visit, 2010 . New Zealand Defense Force , archived from the original on May 31, 2012 ; accessed on September 8, 2014 (English, original website no longer available).
  10. ^ Full coverage: Prince William Visits New Zealand . In: Scoop Top Scoops . Scoop Media , January 20, 2010, accessed April 4, 2010 .