Johann Michael

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Johann Michael, contemporary copper engraving

Johann Michael (also: Johannes Michaelis ; born June 21, 1638 in Wittenberg ; † October 25, 1718 in Altona ) was a German Lutheran theologian.


The son of the Wittenberg goldsmith Peter Michael and his wife Barbara († Ahlsdorf 1637) received his first training from the private teacher Georg Bünemann. He attended the grammar school in Berlin and from there in 1654 moved to the grammar school in Görlitz. After studying at the University of Leipzig , around 1659 he took over the office of vice rector, later rector and cantor in Golßen . During that time in April 1662 in Wittenberg he had Maria, the daughter of Dr. theol. and rector of the grammar school in Weißenfels Johann Schwarz married. In the position that he held for eleven years, he demonstrated great educational and organizational skills. Since he had proven himself in the school service, he was ordained in Wittenberg on July 4, 1670 as a pastor in Ahlsdorf . However, he voluntarily resigned this office in 1675 because he could not get along with the church patron.

After that he lived miserably with his wife and child in Jüterbog . In 1677 he was again given a pastor's office in Jänickendorf and in 1680 moved to Serno as pastor . However, he lost this position again in 1682 because a friend had withheld a lapel signed by Michael. Therefore he worked as a private teacher and author in Lauban , Freiberg , Dresden , Berlin and Hamburg . After he had given a guest sermon in Stockholm in 1690 and was not accepted, he came to Altona in 1691. In Altona he lived with the Immergenten , a splinter group of the Mennonite community in Hamburg and Altona, and in the last years of his life was mainly dependent on donations to make a living.

Michael had tried to establish a very idiosyncratic interpretation of the Evangelical Lutheran doctrine in his places of work, which some of his contemporaries found strange and he was therefore branded as an indifferentist . In fact, he is probably as Separatist the Lutheran orthodoxy to see that any radikalpietistisches ideas rejected strictly. Since his vehement fanatical demeanor and his rigidity in questions of faith often met with rejection, he was also often rejected. He also wrote sacred songs, but they were not widely used. The engraver Johann Wilhelm Michaelis (* Wittenberg; † 1737 in Stargard) could be the maker of a black art sheet by Johann Michael, on which he is depicted at the age of 58. Since he signed this as Filius, it should be a son of the same.

Works (selection)

  • Jehovah Jesus! The reverse baptism reason In a compulsory guest sermon of the German congregation in Stockholm, at a popular assembly, on the Sunday after the New Year for the official sermon from the regular Gospel Matth. III v. 13 ad fin. Reserved in the year of Christ 1690. Witness of Jesus Christ by an Apostolic Truth sent there, whose name is written in heaven, and is called John. Which by special grace Michael the Grand Duke and King Zion has chosen and awakened to be a member of his army to fight with the dragon, his monarch.
  • Prayer of the wise Jew and discipline teacher Jesus Syrach - which - cheaply received by us Christians, and indeed by us spiritually in Babel - captive Sion children, whom we look at the atrocities of the Babylonians with displeasure and who are forced to participate, partly against our will, That God have mercy on us and get us out of such Bab. To redeem prison and disturb Babylon. Printed and communicated in the year when Israel's redemption was necessary.
  • The true churches and congregation of Jesus Christ I. Beginning, second progression, third exit from this temporal to the other and eternal life - communicated to the most gracious concession and admission of the great King in Zion through one of his secret canceley chosen by the grace of him -Conciate me.
  • Chariots and ways of the great God, who is and is called Wunderbahr, on whom He leads his wonderful saints wonderfully, And yet gloriously and victoriously leads you out and up, and yet gloriously and victoriously leads you up and out! As he recently demonstrated in his least worm and wretched servant Johann Michaeln von Wittenberg in Saxony, whom He has chosen and prepared as his servant and truth-witness by divine grace and favor. Despite the devil and all his followers. 3 parts
  • Heavenly Seeing Charabon & c. According to a warning to the Babylonian blasphemer, consists of three parts: 1. First part. The Heavenly Seeing Charabon, or the traveling company of those spiritual pearl-seekers under their leader, Jesus Christ. Depicted on those charabons and travel companies, which are employed from Constantinople through Arabia to Mecha, or also Palestinam, and for which one of this heavenly flowing society honored with grace, still flowing in patience with hope, and fairly practiced through thirty years of experience and tested fellow members and fellow brothers. Printed for the glory of God in the year that the downfall of Babylon was near. 2. Other part. The Heavenly Longing Charabons, or Travel Company, Drey Chiefs and Predecessors, Are The Three New Testament Patriarchs of Pagan Creation. Namely the wise men from the east, and teachers with their examples to all their followers, how they should seek Christ's pearl correctly so that they may find it. Presented from their histories, to be read in Cap 2. Matthaei, From a still flowing pilgrim and citizen of Upper Jerusalem in a certain hope. Third part of the sky-seeing Charabon pharmacist and travel doctor, Is Jehovah Medicus, The Lord the Doctor. As such in a written report and lesson, what a heaven-wandering pilgrim should do, the cur of his souls and his body, so that he can complete his course with friends, For a witness of the apostolic truth, and heaven-seeing Wall-brother .
  • Good story, so the Tuesday after the 9th post Trin. In Altona in Herr Doctoris Hermanni Medici and Physici Ordinarii dwelling, from 2 a.m. to 8 a.m. in the evening with Johann Michaeln, a servant of Christ and witness of his truth, which the Sathan, Christ's main enemy, according to God's permission and will, through a delirious and frenzied person, named Thomam Agricolam, Juris Licent. Almost stabbed, strangled, smashed the head and thus strangled, if Christ the Lord had not received his servant by pulling from outside and other people's help in life. Job cap. 2. V. 6. Thus said the Lord to Satan: Behold, it is in your hand, yet spare his life. Anno 1704.
  • Report how Jesus let his truth penetrate. 1691
  • Animal Christianity.
  • Report on the life of Lutheri. 1691
  • Babylonian whore Christian.
  • An apostolic move to help the agonizing Christianity.
  • Apostolic reason for faith.
  • Apostolic Church Angel.
  • Report that Pharisees are hypocrites etc.
  • Report from Pennsylvania.
  • Christian Memorial.
  • Christians quarrel from the right path.
  • True and False Religion. 1694
  • Right way to heaven. 1695
  • Simon's path against the Philistines.
  • The Johannis certificate.
  • The sovereign a shepherd or Hencker.
  • 23. S. Johannis Doctrine of Catechism.
  • The known and unknown sins guilt.
  • Admonition to the present Babylonian Christian people. 1695
  • Biblical fortune teller. 1698
  • Report of the sin against the Holy Spirit.
  • Report from Luthero. 1700
  • Church calendar or prognosticon of contemporary Christianity.
  • Mouse droppings sell themselves before pepper.
  • Apostolic shooting at the Babylonian disk.
  • Luther's redivivus. 4 parts


Web link

Individual evidence

  1. Also: Magister Georg Bünnemann was a pastor in Jever, stayed in Rostock for some time after he was released and was in Wittenberg in 1648 (However, the matriculation data of the universities of Wittenberg and Rostock give different information. Accordingly, he is in Wittenberg in 1646 and recorded in the winter semester of 1649/50 in Rostok without a master's degree.).
  2. Traubuch Wittenberg
  3. Wittenberger Ordiniertenverzeichnis (WBOV) Stadtkirche Wittenberg
  4. ^ Georg Kaspar Nagler: New general artist lexicon: or news of the life and works of painters, sculptors, builders, engravers, form cutters, lithographers, draftsmen, medalists, ivory workers, etc. Verlag von EA Fleischmann, Munich, 1840, vol. 9 , P. 240 ( online )