Republic of Catalonia

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A Republic of Catalonia ( Catalan República Catalana , Aranese Republica Catalana , also Catalan Republic ) or a Catalan state is the declared goal of Catalan independence advocates. At no time in Catalonia's history have there been periods of complete political independence ; in fact there were only very short-term, mostly purely declarative stages in which an actual republic existed.

Historical overview

Catalan Republic (1641)
Proclaimed an independent state, which shortly thereafter was incorporated into the Kingdom of France .
Catalan State (1873)
Member state within the First Spanish Republic .
Catalan Republic (1931)
Proclaimed state that was declared in anticipation of the imminent establishment of a Spanish republic, but within a few days it was voluntarily declared an autonomous area within the Second Spanish Republic .
Catalan State (1934)
Proclaimed "Catalan State in the Spanish Federal Republic", which was proclaimed during the failed revolution of 1934 .
Catalan Republic (2017)
"Republic" proclaimed on October 27, 2017 within the borders of the Autonomous Region of Catalonia , which has not been recognized by the international community or by the Spanish state (see Catalonia crisis ). The Spanish government has declared both the previous referendum on October 1, 2017 and the declaration of independence to be unconstitutional. It reacted by dismissing the Catalan regional government and parliament and scheduling new elections for December 21, 2017 , based on Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution , according to which an autonomous region can be placed under forced administration. Before the Spanish Constitutional Court, the President of the Catalan Parliament declared that the declaration of independence was only "symbolic" and "declarative" in nature and without any legal consequences. However, the Catalan government advocates an independent republic within the law.

Individual evidence

  1. Catalan parliament votes to declare independence from Spain . In: Guardian , October 27, 2017. 
  2. ^ Stefan Hennigfeld: Catalonia Parliament votes for independence. In: October 27, 2017. Retrieved October 27, 2017 .
  3. La Vanguardia: La Fiscalía pide prisión incondicional para Forcadell y otros tres miembros de la Mesa , 9 November 2017, accessed on the same day (Spanish)