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Rerir is a mythological figure from the Nordic legends. He is King of Hunenland (possibly Franconia), son of Sigis , grandson of Odin , father of Wölsung , the progenitor of Wölsungen .

Since he and his wife remained childless for a long time, they turned to the gods for relief. Odin and his wife Frigg sent Liod, a daughter of the giant Hrimnir, to Rerir with an apple of fertility. Liod dropped the apple in his lap; the king understood the message and gave the apple to his wife to eat. In the next battle, Rerir fell, but his wife was pregnant. However, this pregnancy lasted 6 years until she had enough of it and had the child Wölsung delivered by caesarean section . This operation cost her her life. Wölsung later married Liod, who had helped his mother to conceive through the apple, and they ruled the Hunland together.

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