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Residuum (plural residues , v. Latin residuum "what remained, the rest") denotes

In math

In geology

In the medicine

  • the residual symptoms of a disease remaining after recovery, see residual symptom
  • the rest of the air that remains in the lungs after exhaling, see residual volume

such as

  • in sociology an "effective residual quantity", see residual (Pareto)
  • in biochemistry a monomer of a macromolecule, see residuum (biochemistry)
  • In economics, a collective term for all factors that lead to economic growth and are not already covered by capital accumulation, see Solow residual
  • In the real estate industry, the result of a procedure in which the maximum sustainable land value is determined, see residual value procedure
  • the share of national income that remains after deduction of labor income, see residual income
  • the reconstruction of the fundamental frequency of a sound through human acoustic perception, see residual sound
  • in archeology, deposits on artifacts or objects
  • the claim from an incomplete contract, see residual law

See also: