Rescue Medal (Norway)

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Norwegian Rescue Medal ( Medaljen for redningsdåd ).

The Norwegian Rescue Medal ( Norwegian : Medaljen for redningsdåd ) was a Norwegian award given seven times during the Second World War for saving people from peril. It was founded on January 27, 1944 by the then Prime Minister Vidkun Quisling . After the end of the Second World War it was no longer awarded.

Appearance and wearing style

The medal, embossed in silver , has a diameter of 33 mm and shows in the center of its obverse the embossed coat of arms of the Kingdom of Norway in the form common during Quisling's tenure with an open crown. The back is dominated by a circular middle field, which is empty. When the medal is awarded, the date of the rescue act and the name of the rescuer are engraved on it. On the outer ring of the back is embossed: FOR REDNINGSDÅD ( ENGLISH FOR RESCUE ACT ). The lettering itself is surrounded by an oak leaf ornament. The rescue medal itself was carried on a band with a cross bar above the left breast pocket. The ribbon is 32 mm wide in the Norwegian flag colors with the usual proportions. This means that the blue central stripe is 4 mm wide, has 2 mm wide white edges and vertically cuts through a red field.

The rescue medal was usually awarded with a very simple certificate from the Norwegian Ministry of Shipping. On the top of this document the colored coat of arms of Norway was shown and underneath a five-line form, whereby the first line was empty. The name of the Savior should be entered in it. The last four lines also read in Norwegian: ... is awarded the medal for rescue act. Shipping Department, Oslo the… .

Recipients were:

  • Gunleik Perskås, Rjukan on October 8, 1944 for a rescue act on February 20, 1944
  • Jon Dalen dy, Rjukan on October 8, 1944 for a rescue act on February 20, 1944
  • Jon Dalen de, Rjukan on October 8, 1944 for a rescue act on February 20, 1944
  • Halvor Digerud, Rjukan on October 8, 1944 for a rescue act on February 20, 1944
  • Knut O. Urdalen, Rjukan on October 8, 1944 for a rescue act on February 20, 1944
  • Odd Andersen, Rjukan on October 8, 1944 for a rescue act on February 20, 1944
  • Bjarne Kristensen, Fredrikstad on March 14, 1945 for a rescue act on March 14, 1944


  • Alec A. Purves: The Medals, Decorations & Orders of World War II 1939-1945 , JB Hayward & Son 1986, ISBN 0903754363

Individual evidence

  1. statement of the Foundation Decree from the magazine uniforms market no. 6/1944.