Ribera Arga-Aragón

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According to the Zonificación Navarra 2000, Ribera Arga-Aragón is an administrative unit in the autonomous region of Navarre in Spain , more precisely its subzona ( sub-zone ) number 18. It is located in the southern, non-Basque- speaking part of Navarre in the so-called zone 6 and borders the Ribera Alta to the sub-zones Sangüesa , Tudela , Tafalla and Ribera del Alto Ebro as well as to Aragon in the west ( Cinco Villas ) and in the east to La Rioja . Their function corresponds roughly to that of a comarca in other Spanish regions.

The following areas and municipalities belong to the Ribera Arga-Aragón: Aragón Medio (with Caparroso , Carcastillo , Mélida , Murillo el Cuende , Murillo el Fruto and Santacara ), Aragón-Arga (with Falces , Funes , Marcilla , Miranda de Arga , Peralta ) and Bajo Aragón (with Cadreita , Milagro, Villafranca).

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