Ricardo Cabrera

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Ricardo Cabrera Morales (* in the 20th century; † October 9, 2010 ) was an Ecuadorian table tennis player .

Cabrera, father of the former table tennis player María Patricia Cabrera (* 1972), was the first Ecuadorian junior champion in the Ecuadorian table tennis sport, which was first established there in 1953 as part of an organized national championship. In 1954 he took part in the 8th South American Championships in Lima , where Ecuador competed for the first time. Cabrera was also one of the first table tennis players in his country to compete in a world championship . Active in the 1960s, Cabrera was Ecuadorian champion for 13 consecutive years.

Results from the ITTF database

Association event year place country singles Double Mixed team
ECU  World Championship  1993  Gothenburg  SWE   Agony  no participants  no participants  60 
ECU  World Championship  1963  Prague  TCH   Agony  Scratched  no participants  43 
ECU  World Championship  1961  Beijing  CHN   last 128  last 64  no participants  16 

Individual evidence

  1. LAURO HISTORIA DEL DEPORTE ECUATORIANO (El Libro) - TENIS DE MESA (Spanish) from June 27, 2012, accessed on December 8, 2013
  2. ^ Fallció Ricardo Cabrera (Spanish)
  3. ITTF statistics (accessed on February 21, 2012)