Richard Jardine

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Richard Jardine (* 1953 ) is a British geotechnician and professor of geomechanics at Imperial College London .


Jardine earned his bachelor's degree from Imperial College London in 1974 and then worked as an engineer for UK government agencies and engineering firms. In 1980 he received his master’s degree and in 1984 he received his doctorate there (the dissertation won the Unwin Prize of Imperial College). He was then a Lecturer, from 1991 Senior Lecturer, from 1994 Reader and from 1998 Professor at Imperial College. From 2005 to 2011 he was head of the Faculty of Geotechnics. In 2012 he became Dean of Engineering (named Consul from 2013). Since 2012 he has also been an overseas professor at the UK Department of Education in China.

He deals with offshore geotechnical engineering (e.g. pile foundations for wind turbines and the related cyclical and lateral loads on piles in lake sediments, large underwater landslides and corresponding studies for geohazards), wind turbine foundations in the chalk of the German Baltic Sea, instrumentation for field and laboratory measurements , constitutive behavior of sand, soft organic soils, and stiff clay and permafrost soils in the context of climate change. Among other things, he was involved in the TLP project in the North Sea (Tension Leg Platform in the Hutton oil field of Conoco). The first TLP was tested there in the early 1980s, an oil drilling platform that is anchored to the sea floor by cables.

He is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (2001) and the Royal Academy of Engineering (2002) and a Fellow of the City and Guilds Institute (2008). In 2016 he became a Rankine Lecturer .

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  1. Participation in the French Solcyp research program since 2009, in which the University of Grenoble is also involved, and also cooperation with China