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Riesengrundschanze in winter 2005

Riesengrundschanze (Germany)
Red pog.svg
city Hirschsprung near Altenberg (Ore Mountains)
country GermanyGermany Germany
society SSV Altenberg
Construction year 1923
Rebuilt 1931, 1948/49, 1962/63, 1964
Construction point 60 m

Coordinates: 50 ° 46 ′ 55 ″  N , 13 ° 44 ′ 13 ″  E

The Riesengrundschanze (formerly Böttrich-Schanze ) was the largest ski jumping hill in the former district of Dresden .


It was located in the Riesengrund in Hirschsprung approximately in the middle between Kohlgrund and the beginning of the Bärsgründelweg.


The ski jump was built in 1923 and was given the name Böttrich-Schanze a short time later . In 1931 the jump area was expanded for the first time. Shortly after the Second World War, the ski jump was repaired for the first time.

In 1962/63 the facility was expanded again. Inrun scaffolding, a rampart and a judges' tower made of wood were built. Some of the material used came from the broken hill of peace on Geisingberg . Since 1964 the ski jump has also been equipped with plastic mats.

The last competitions took place in 1988 and in 2006 the hill was finally completely demolished. Since then, the location has been increasingly forgotten as it is left to its own devices and nature is reclaiming the cleared area.


  • Beate Rosenkranz: Forgotten and rediscovered . in: Land calendar book Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains 2015. Schütze-Weber-Engler-Verlag, Dresden 2014, pp. 14–15.

Individual evidence

  1. www.skisprungschanzen.com , accessed on July 6, 2014.
  2. Winter sports in the East Ore Mountains , accessed on July 6, 2014.