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The Reichsministerrat is an organ of the Kingdom of the Netherlands . The Dutch name is Raad van ministers van het Koninkrijk or Rijksministerraad for short . The kingdom here refers to the constitutional structure consisting of the Netherlands, Curaçao , Aruba and Sint Maarten . The legal basis for this is the Statuut voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden , which originally dates from 1954.

If the Dutch cabinet wants to decide matters for the entire kingdom (for example in defense policy), then it has to involve representatives from the other three countries. This compilation is the Reichsministerrat: It consists of all Dutch ministers plus one representative from each of the other three countries (in Dutch: Gevolmachtigde minister ).

The Council of Ministers of the Reich usually meets once a month, before a meeting of the Dutch cabinet. The place of the meeting and the seat of the authorized representatives is The Hague.


The statute determines the role of the authorized representatives in the Reichsministerrat (Art. 12). An authorized representative can state during the negotiations that a pending decision will seriously disadvantage his country. Then a separate negotiation takes place in a certain constellation (among other things with the authorized representative and the Dutch Prime Minister). In the end, however, the entire Council of Ministers decides.

How an authorized representative comes into office is stated in the respective state constitution. In all three countries, the proxy is appointed and dismissed by the state government. If an authorized representative is unable to exercise his office, the state government appoints someone to replace him. The authorized representative may not belong to the state government or the state parliament. The Dutch government has no influence on the selection of an agent and cannot, for example, refuse him to participate in the Council of Ministers.

Role of the king

The Dutch king is part of the Dutch government, the permanent and inviolable part. The other members of the Dutch government are the ministers who meet in the Dutch Council of Ministers. Likewise, the king is part of every state government in the other three countries. However, since he lives in the Netherlands, he is represented by a governor in each of these three countries.

However, the king is not part of the Reichsministerrat. In fact, he is neither a minister nor an agent.

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supporting documents

  1. Parlement.com: Rijksministerraad , accessed April 15, 2020.