Ring tail

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As ring tail or Schwanznekrose refers to a in rats occurring disease of the tail formed by annular constrictions and death ( necrosis is characterized) of the sections affected. It occurs mainly in animals in the second week of life. The cause of the malfunction is too low a humidity (<25%) and / or too high an ambient temperature (> 25 ° C). A lack of essential fatty acids is also discussed as a cause.

Clinically, the disease manifests itself in an accumulation of water ( edema ) and inflammation with the characteristic formation of one or more rings. The treatment is carried out by amputation of dead tail parts, provided that these are not rejected by themselves. A correction of the housing conditions must be carried out at the same time.


Anneke Wijnbergen: Rats . In: K. Gabrisch and P. Zwart (eds.): Diseases of pets . Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft Hannover, 6th edition 2005, pp. 133–159. ISBN 3-89993-010-X