Robert Henry Charles

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Robert Henry Charles (* 1855 ; † 1931 ) was an English biblical scholar and theologian.


Charles is particularly known for translations of apocryphal and pseudepigraphic writings, as well as their critical editions, for example the Book of Jubilees (1895), the Ethiopian Book of Enoch (1906) and the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (1908), which were widely distributed. Through his work, the inter-testament literature of ancient Judaism became accessible to a broad public. This enabled both a new understanding of early Judaism beyond its main Pharisaic - rabbinical currents and the perception of the New Testament in the overall context of its religious-historical environment.

He received his education at Queen's College (Belfast) and Trinity College (Dublin). He taught as a professor of Biblical Greek at Trinity College Dublin. He became archdeacon of Westminster.