Robert Lucien Mutel

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Robert Lucien Mutel (*  1946 ) is an American professor of astronomy at the University of Iowa . He conducts research in the field of radio astronomy .

He graduated from Cornell University with a degree in physics in 1968 and received a Ph.D. in astrophysics at the University of Colorado in 1975. From 1968 to 1970 the physicist was in the US Antactis Research Program. From 1975 he was an assistant professor at the University of Iowa. In 1980 he became associate professor at the same university and in 1986 professor. In 1985 he was a visiting scientist at the Bureau des Longitudes in Paris and in 1998 as a guest astronomer at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.

According to him, which is Mutel peak named in Antarctica.

Individual evidence

  1. CV. January 28, 2007, accessed April 26, 2018 .
  2. International Astronomical Union | IAU. Retrieved April 26, 2018 .