Roger Lescot

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Roger Lescot

Roger Lescot (* 1914 ; † 1975 ) was a French orientalist . In particular, he was a connoisseur and translator of Kurdish literature .


Roger Lescot spent more than 25 years in Kurdistan to learn the Kurdish language and to write down legends and myths of the region of “the fertile crescent”. In the 1930s he visited several renowned Dengbêj singers in Syria to complete the legend Memê Alan . The Dengbêj singers are Kurdish artists who “sing” historical events and myths in a spoken-singing style specific to Dengbêj art. The legend has partly historical roots, probably originated in the 14th century and was passed on by the Dengbêj. In precise and poetic language, she tells the story of the unhappy love of Mam and Zin, against the background of chivalrous traditions and social conventions. The complete version of the Sage Memê Alan is now an integral part of Kurdish literature.

One of his other achievements for the Kurdish language is the publication, with Celadet Bedir Khan , a Latin alphabet, and in 1951 a book on the Kurdish grammar for the dialect Kurmanci ( Kurmanji ) (see Section works).

In 1945 he founded the chair for Kurdology ( chaire de kurde ) at the École Nationale des Langues Orientales Vivantes and held the chair until 1947.

Critics accuse authors like Lescot that their studies have contributed to exacerbating ethnic questions.


Specialist publications

  • Enquête sur les yezidis de Syrie et du Djebel Sindjar . Beyrouth. Imprimerie Catholique / Paris, Leroux, 1938.
  • Le roman et la nouvelle dans la littérature iranienne contemporaine. In:  Bulletin d'études orientales , T. 9, 1942-1943, pp. 83-101
  • Littérature Kurd . In: Encyclopédie de la Pléiade: Histories des Litteratures , Gallimard, Paris 1977.
  • Celadet Ali Bedirxan and Roger Lescot: Kurdish grammar: Kurmancî dialect . Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft, Bonn 1986, ISBN 3-926105-51-8 . (Original edition: Djeladet Bedir Khan and Roger Lescot: Grammaire kurde: dialecte kurmandji . A. Maisonneuve, Paris 1970.)

Translations and editions

  • Anthologie de la poésie persane, XIe-XXe siècle . Textes choisis by Z. Safâ, traduits by Gilbert Lazard, Roger Lescot and Henri Massé. Gallimard (Collection Unesco d'oeuvres représentatives. Série persane), Paris 1964.
  • Anthologie de la poésie popular Kurd . Présentée par Gérard Chaliand, traductions de Gérard Chaliand et de Roger Lescot. Stock, Paris 1980.
  • Sadegh Hedayat: La Chouette aveugle . Roman traduit du persan by Roger Lescot. Corti, Paris 1953.
  • Mamé Alan . Epopée kurd. Texts établi, traduit du kurde et présenté by Roger Lescot. Préface de Kendal Nezan. Gallimard (L'aube des peuples), Paris 1999.
  • Mam und Zin: Kurdish folk epic . In the version by Roger Lescot & L. Ch. Wentzel. Verlag der Arche, Zurich 1980, ISBN 3-7160-1681-0

Individual evidence

  1. See Mamé Alan. Epopée kurd . Texts établi, traduit du kurde et présenté by Roger Lescot. Préface de Kendal Nezan. Paris: Gallimard (L'aube des peuples), 1999, blurb: “Oeuvre anonyme, datant sans doute de la fin du XIVème siècle et transmise jusqu'à nos jours par les dengbêj, les bardes kurdes, Mamé Alan conte dans une langue concise et poétique l'histoire des amours malheureuses de Mam et Zin sur fond de traditions chevaleresques et de contraintes sociales. Orientaliste et diplomate, Roger Lescot a recueilli dans les années 1930 la présente version de ce joyau de la littérature orale kurde auprès de trois dengbêj en Syrie et l'a admirablement traduite en français. "
  2. The Ecole Nationale des Langues Orientales Vivantes was affiliated in 1970 to the University of Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle. The institute has been operating under the name Institut National des Langues et Civilizations Orientales (INALCO) since 1971 and still exists today. See INALCO .
  3. Clémence Scalbert-Yücel, Marie Le Ray: Knowledge, ideology and power. Deconstructing Kurdish Studies . In: European Journal of Turkish Studies , Thematic Issue N ° 5, Paragraph 10: online ( Memento of January 2, 2008 in the Internet Archive ).