Roland Leroux

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Roland Leroux (born September 29, 1956 ) is a German manager and association representative.


Roland Leroux studied chemistry at the University of Saarbrücken and passed his diploma there in 1984. He then completed his doctorate in physical chemistry with Hasso Moesta in 1986. After joining the research and development department of the Schott technology group, he held several positions in management positions in research and development, application technology, production, marketing and sales. Subsequently, he was responsible for the industrial and laboratory glass division for many years. He then took over the management of the group function for safety, health and the environment at Schott AG and was appointed the group’s data protection officer in 2010. As chairman of the spokesperson's committee for senior executives at Schott AG, he has been representing the interests of senior executives at his company as an elected representative since 1998. He has been active in various commissions in the VAA management association since 1987 and has been a member of the federal board since 2011. In 2012 he was elected President of the Paris-based Federation of Executives in the European Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, FECCIA . In this function he also represents his organization in the cross-sector European management association CEC - European Managers . Since May 2014 he has been President of the ULA (Association of German Management Associations) in Berlin.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: Radiation dosimetry and age determination with the help of thermoluminescence doped quartz .