Roller donkey

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As Roll donkey or role boys an over 100 years old is Hohenlohe Christmas tradition at Christmas Eve called. It can only be found in the Protestant villages of the former Ilshofen office . The roller donkeys or roller boys are groups of young people who, as masked figures, make their rounds on Christmas Eve in some villages on the Ilshofen plain in the Schwäbisch Hall district to clear the way for the Christ Child . They go from door to door, get sweets and money almost everywhere and, with their appearance and the loud bells and bells, make small children especially uncomfortable. The origin of this custom is unclear. Some chroniclers assume a centuries-old, pagan custom. The fact that there is no mention of it in any older chronicles, however, suggests the thesis that the custom did not emerge until the end of the 19th century as the self-chosen freedom of the peasant boys, who otherwise had almost only duties to fulfill. Originally it was reserved for the male offspring to be included in the group, whereby strict care was taken to ensure that only locals came into play. In the meantime, however, girls are occasionally admitted, mostly due to a lack of boys.


The costumes vary from place to place. In Oberaspach z. B. about one meter high, cone-shaped hats glued together from cardboard, with about 1 cm wide, colorfully printed strips of paper, and black leather masks with beards made of hemp are worn. Almost everywhere you can find a white nightgown that goes below your knees. The most important requirement of the donkey is the belt strapped over the shoulder - hence the name - with different sized cowbells or bells. A rhizome in hand completes the masquerade.

During the run

It usually starts at nightfall. House-to-house is run at a moderate pace. In the group, the boss runs in front and the driver behind. The driver's job is to keep the group together. For this purpose he occasionally makes use of his rhizome. The boss is usually the oldest, who also introduces the younger ones to the secrets of roller-racing and guides the group.
