
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Romanesca is the name of a melodic and harmonic composition model that was widespread throughout Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries and was very popular at the time . It was used for instrumental movements, arias and cycles of variations. Famous examples of the Romanesca model are the song Greensleeves and the Villancico Guardame las vacas , " Guard me the cows" (the four-part variations on it for Vihuela by Luis de Narváez are known ).

The Romanesca, often also called Aria per cantar , is closely related to the Passamezzo antico and the Folia . The origin of the Romanesca - Italian or Spanish - has not yet been adequately clarified.


  • Francisco Salinas: De musica. Bärenreiter, Kassel 1968 (reprint of the edition Salmanticae 1577).
  • John Ward: Article Romanesca , in: The Music in Past and Present 3, Vol. 11, pp. 778–779.
  • Article Romanesca , in: Brockhaus-Riemann Musiklexikon, Vol. 4, p. 60.

Individual evidence

  1. Frederick Noad: The Renaissance Guitar. (= The Frederick Noad Guitar Anthology. Part 1) Ariel Publications, New York 1974; Reprint: Amsco Publications, New York / London / Sydney, UK ISBN 0-7119-0958-X , US ISBN 0-8256-9950-9 , p. 78 f.
  2. ^ Emilio Pujol (ed.): Hispanae Citharae Ars Viva. A collection of selected guitar music from old tabs, edited by Emilio Pujol. (Spanish, French, English and German) Schott, Mainz 1956 (= guitar archive . Volume 176), pp. VI and 15 ( Diferencias sobre Guárdame las vacas ).