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Rommelkruid (German for "mixed herbs") is a mixture of spices from Flemish and Dutch cuisine , which is and was mainly used in Groningen to prepare Balkenbrij , a variant of Panha , as well as in various types of sausage, such as the raw sausage . Rommelkruid was mainly used for domestic slaughter and domestic sausage and meat preparation. In addition, it is used in the Rotterdamse kruidbroodjes (Rotterdam herb roll) and especially in Zeeland to prepare pastries.

Rommelkruid consists of various herbs and spices, including licorice root , sugar , nutmeg , anise , cinnamon , cloves , pepper , ginger and sandalwood . The composition gives the dishes seasoned with Rommelkruid a gingerbread-like taste and smell. Depending on the mixing ratio, the spice mixture also determines the color, especially in baked goods. The Rotterdamse kruidbroodjes and the Balkenbrij are colored red due to the sandalwood they contain, with larger proportions of cloves the mixture becomes gray.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Rommelkruid at; accessed on October 27, 2016. (Dutch)
  2. a b c d Rommelkruid at; accessed on October 27, 2016. (Dutch)
  3. a b Rotterdamse kruidbroodjes at; accessed on October 27, 2016. (Dutch)