Roni Zuckerman

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Roni Zuckerman (* 1977 or 1978) is the first female fighter pilot in the Israeli Air Force .

Roni Zuckermann is a granddaughter of Jitzhak "Antek" Zuckerman and Zivia Lubetkin , who played a leading role in the 1943 uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto . She grew up in Kibbutz Lochamej haGeta'ot (Kibbutz of the Ghetto Fighters), which was founded by Holocaust survivors and resistance fighters, including her grandparents.


After some female pilots served in the Israeli air force in the years following the founding of the state of Israel , a recruitment ban for women was imposed in the 1950s . In 1994, Alice Miller, an Air Force officer, sued the discrimination. The lawsuit was upheld in 1995 by the Israeli Supreme Court . The air force was now forced to accept candidates who met the recruitment requirements. The first woman to successfully complete the training was the F-16 navigator Sari Rahat in 1998 .

Zuckermann as the first female fighter pilot

On June 29, 2001, at the age of 23, Roni Zuckerman became the first female fighter pilot in the history of the Israeli Air Force. Zuckerman finished the two-year pilot training as sixth out of a total of 70 soldiers. She was assigned to an F-16 squadron at an air force base in northern Israel. Zuckerman took part in numerous missions as a pilot. In 2004 she was appointed pilot instructor. This task is entrusted only to the best pilots within the Israeli Air Force.

The then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak mentioned Roni Zuckerman in a personal speech at the UN on Holocaust Remembrance Day , where he made a connection between the fate of his own family, Zuckerman’s grandparents and Zuckerman himself as the first female fighter pilot in the Israeli Air Force.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Yossi Katz: A Voice Called: Stories of Jewish Heroism. Gefen Publishing House Ltd, ISBN 9789652294807 .
  2. a b Roni Zukerman, First Female Combat Pilot to Instruct Air Force Academy ( Memento from August 8, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  4. ^ Yossi Katz: A Voice Called: Stories of Jewish Heroism. Gefen Publishing House Ltd, ISBN 9789652294807 .