Roswitha von Liesborn

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Roswitha von Liesborn contemporary Rotswindis (* 8th century ; † April 29th in the 9th century ) was the first abbess of the Liesborn monastery (founded around 815) and is a saint of the Catholic Church.

In all necrologists and comparable sources in the vicinity of Liesborn Abbey, she is always named as the first abbess and referred to as the sister of Charlemagne . The first statement is probably correct, the second is debated. Nothing is known about a sister of Charles with this name. Possibly she was the sister of Count Bardo and widow of the Ekbertiner Liudolf. The abbess is buried in the monastery church. Presumably her grave was in a place where a chapel with an altar of Mary was later built.

She is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church. Their festival is April 29th.
