Roach emperor tetra

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Roach emperor tetra
Order : Tetras (Characiformes)
Family : True tetras (Characidae)
Subfamily : Stethaprioninae
Genre : Nematobrycon
Type : Roach emperor tetra
Scientific name
Nematobrycon lacortei
Weitzman & Fink , 1971

The red-eye emperor tetra ( Nematobrycon lacortei ), also known as the rainbow emperor tetra or rainbow tetra , is a tetra native to western Colombia . It becomes up to seven centimeters long and lives in smaller flocks . In this case, it is much more aggressive than the also in the genus Nematobrycon derived Nematobrycon Palmeri ( N. palmeri ).

In the red-eye emperor tetra, the longitudinal band is less pronounced in the drawing than in the emperor tetra , the body color is less clearly delineated overall. The animals are well suited for keeping in aquariums ; however, the minimum pool size should be at least 1.20 to 1.50 × 0.50 × 0.50 meters, depending on the size of the group. If the light falls through the floating plants contained in the pool , the iridescent blue shimmer of the spotty drawing comes into its own. In contrast to the smaller females, males have a red iris and an extended central caudal fin ray. The species reproduces as a permanent spawner.


  • Günther Sterba : The world's freshwater fish. 2nd Edition. Urania, Leipzig / Jena / Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-332-00109-4 .
  • Christian Westhäuser: Nematobrycon lacortei - the rainbow emperor tetra. BSSW report 2009.

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