Red ox brewery

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The Rotochsenbrauerei Hermann Veit GmbH & Co.KG , founded in 1680, is the last remaining brewery in Ellwangen (Jagst) . Ten people are employed in the brewery under the management of Managing Director Alexander Veit.


Operation building of the red ox brewery Ellwangen

The name Roter Ochsen has been known in Ellwangen since 1542. In that year, the Veit family founded what was then the “Red Ox tavern” in Ellwangen in downtown Ellwangen. This quickly developed from the simple inn and inn to the prince-priest's court beer tavern and the royal post office .

In 1680, the company's own brewery was finally founded and soon became known beyond the city limits as the red ox brewery.

In the middle of the last century it became too tight for the expanding company in the old town of Ellwang, so the decision was made to rebuild the brewery on the outskirts. The new building was put into operation in 1960. The buildings of the inner-city brewery were converted into the “Roter Ochsen” hotel inn. The brewery, inn and hotel are still run as family businesses.


Coaster with a historical motif of Rotochsenbrauerei Ellwangen
A red ox beer glass (2016, Ellwangen)

The red ox brewery produces different types of beer:

It is sold in 0.33 l and 0.5 l bottles as well as draft beer in 5 l to 50 l kegs.

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