Royal Aircraft Factory SE2

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RAF SE2a001a.jpg
Type: Reconnaissance plane
Design country:

United Kingdom 1801United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland United Kingdom


Societé Anonyme des Établissements Nieuport

First flight:

July 1911



Production time:


Number of pieces:

several hundred (with license builds)

The Royal Aircraft Factory SE2 in October 1913

The Royal Aircraft Factory SE2 was a British biplane and was used in the First World War from 1914 .


The first SE2 (SE = Santos Experimental) with the serial number 609 was delivered to the Royal Flying Corps on February 17, 1914 and successfully tested by the 5th and 3rd Squadron.

The type appeared at the outbreak of war in the revised version SE2a and was transferred to the 3rd Squadron via the canal on October 27, 1914. The machine was made by Lt. Sherkleton flown and later armed with rifles attached to the side of the fuselage. The machine remained in use until March 1915, when it was transported back to England, badly damaged after a bomb explosion.

Since the flight performance of the competitor Bristol Scout was superior, a further production of the SE2a was refrained from. A further development was the SE4 , which had an impressive top speed of 217 km / h with a 100 hp monosoupape engine. However, the only prototype did not go into production, the machine was scrapped after a crash landing.

SE2 in a performance comparison (around the end of 1914)

Surname country Motor power Max. speed Takeoff mass MG Summit height
SE2 United Kingdom 1801United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland United Kingdom 80 hp 155 km / h 544 kg 0 4600 m
Sopwith tabloid United Kingdom 1801United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland United Kingdom 100 hp 148 km / h 481 kg 0-1 2000 m
Bristol Scout D United Kingdom 1801United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland United Kingdom 80 hp 161 km / h 567 kg 1 4900 m
Morane-Saulnier L FranceFrance France 80 hp 123 km / h 480 kg 0-1 4700 m
Palatinate AI German EmpireThe German Imperium German Empire 80 hp 135 km / h 615 kg 0 ... m

Technical data (SE2a)

Parameter Data SE2a
crew a pilot
length 6.25 m
span 8.38 m
height 2.39 m
Takeoff mass 544 kg
drive 1 × Gnôme rotary engine with 80 PS (approx. 60 kW)
Top speed 155 km / h
Service ceiling 4600 m
Flight duration 2:30 h

See also


  • Kenneth Munson: Fighter planes 1914–19 , Orell-Füssli, Zurich 1968