Stock freedom is a method of use of copyright -protected works , in which a work for a one-time , the author defined the work fee is acquired and normally unlimited number of times, no time limit, may be used in different media and also commercially. The exact, sometimes extensive conditions are contractually regulated. License-free is a proprietary form of licensing. The process is used in the distribution of photographs , stock footage , fonts , drawings and other graphics .
The somewhat misleading term results from an inaccurate translation of the English term 'royalty-free', which would translate as ' license fee free'. The term 'license-free' continues to be used, however, as it has long been established in the media industry. It should not be confused with the free licenses or the public domain .
This is in contrast to the license-based usage process, in which the licensee acquires a spatially, temporally, application-wise or content-limited (so-called simple or exclusive ) permission to use a work by paying a license fee .
See also
Individual evidence
- ↑ Royalty-free images, photos and graphics - Copyright 2018 . In: . ( [accessed October 4, 2018]).