Rudolf Alexander Hatschek

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Rudolf Alexander Hatschek (born May 10, 1918 in Graefenberg ) is an Austrian engineer and inventor.


Rudolf Alexander Hatschek was born on May 10, 1918 as the son of Rudolf Bernhard and Maria Hatschek in the Austrian-Silesian town of Graefenberg. He studied at the University in Prague, later in Graz, where he received his doctorate in 1946. In Prague he was employed by the biochemist Interpharma AG from 1940 to 1945, and from 1946 to 1954 as laboratory manager at Fux in Vienna. Then he was in the technical management of BCF until 1959. This was followed by a managerial position at AVL List in Graz, which he held until 1965. From there, Hatschek moved to Switzerland, where he worked in the development department of Vibro-Meter until 1977 and then at Asulab until 1983.

Hatschek worked as a consultant for piezo-electric applications in medicine, time measurement, automation and telecommunications. He introduced piezo-electric vibration monitoring for aircraft engines .


  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  • International Society Optical Engineering
  • Swiss Physical Society
  • New York Academy of Sciences

Web links

  • Rudolf A. Hatschek's patents at Justia.
  • Rudolf A. Hatschek's patents on Google.