Call! Me! On!

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Call! Me! On! is the first novel by Else Buschheuer . The work was published in 2000.

The book gives a picture of the mood of life in Berlin shortly before the turn of the millennium and depicts the complicated and misanthropic character of an anti-heroine who has fled out of boredom into a world of arrogance and snobbery and finally a sadomasochistic relationship with a man whose name is she does not know, breaks. The author often refers to well-known and less well-known films and music; she ascribes top ten lists of her favorite feature films to some of her characters to characterize them. The material of the letter novel by de Laclos dangerous love affairs has a meaning in the plot.


Before starting, the author turns to the readers and names the soundtrack that she would have liked to add to the book. This soundtrack consists of various pieces of classical music, chansons and pop songs with details of the respective interpreter, which appear at certain points during the action. The main character, first-person narrator and anti-heroine of the book is Paprika Kramer, a successful mid-thirties, a yuppie and a misanthropic single . In the course of the book, Paprika's life in Berlin is presented, at work in her advertising agency, in her free time, at an AIDS gala, in a swingers club . Through the directory assistance, she gets to know a man who makes her sexually dependent, sadomasochistically abused and humiliated. The end of the novel shows the failure of the outwardly independent woman: “I would like to talk to someone now. But with whom? And what about?"


According to an article in Die Welt , the title of the successful pop novel has been imitated a thousand times. On rp-online, Buschheuer was certified as having “razor-sharp powers of observation”. She captivates "the reader with a relentless look at the new Berlin reality." Gregor Dotzauer ended his presentation of the book with the following sentences: "By the way, Else has an exquisite taste in cinema and literature (how many people get the curve of John Woo's" The Killer " to Heinar Kipphardt's "March"). Otherwise she wouldn't be able to look and listen razor-sharp and twist words until you feel dizzy. Else! Write! Me! Further! Do! Me! A! Child!"


There's a song called Call Me ( Fettes Brot with James Last ).

Web links


  1. Call! Me! To !, Diana Verlag, Berlin, 2000. ISBN 978-3-8284-0041-2
  2. Andreas Rosenfelder, Else Buschheuer , June 8, 2013 at , accessed on October 20, 2015.
  3. Julia Nix, Else Buschheuer: Call me! , August 11, 2005 at , accessed on October 20, 2015.
  4. Gregor Dotzauer, "Ruf! Mich! An!": Else Buschheuer speaks plain text , June 30, 2000 at , accessed on October 20, 2015.
  5. youtube (official)