Else Buschheuer

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Else Buschheuer 2009

Else Buschheuer (* 12. December 1965 in Eilenburg as Sabine Knoll ) is a German writer , journalist and television presenter .


She grew up as Sabine Knoll in the GDR and is the daughter of Professor of Geophysics Peter Knoll . After graduating from high school in Potsdam in 1984 , she studied at the Technical School for Scientific Information and Scientific Librarianship as a qualified librarian . On March 16, 1986, she had her first name changed to Else .

She worked in the central library of the Charité and worked as a bookseller in the VEB Bergmann-Borsig .

She has had the surname Buschheuer since her second marriage. From June 2012 until his death in October 2014 Else Buschheuer was married to the journalist and MDR director Udo Reiter . She has a grown daughter from her first marriage.


After the reunion , she worked as a freelance journalist for various newspapers and magazines (Super Ossi, Super! , Zitty , Der Tagesspiegel , Die Welt , taz , Emma , Der Spiegel , Stern , BZ ) and TV ( Spiegel TV Magazine - RTL , file - Reporters reveal - Sat.1 ). From 1997 to 1998 she moderated weather forecasts for n-tv , from 1998 to May 2001 for ProSieben , and from January 2000 for N24 . In summer 2001 she presented the ARD's cultural world mirror once .

Buschheuer lived in New York from 2001 to 2005 . In her internet diary she reported on the attacks of September 11th, thus providing a very personal and highly regarded account of the events. From August 2005 to December 2006 she was part of the moderation team of the talk show of the Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk Riverboat with Jan Hofer and Roberto Cappelluti . From 2007 to 2013 she hosted the cinema magazine Kino Royal for the same broadcaster .

Her novel Masserberg was filmed in 2010 with Anna Fischer in the leading role. Almost four million viewers saw him on television.

Else Buschheuer wrote for Spiegel , Süddeutsche Magazin , taz , Weltwoche , Tagesspiegel and other organs. From 2008 to 2012 she created and spoke for MDR Figaro, the weekly column "Gladiator of everyday life", including the controversial column "For example old people". This was later continued as a print format in the magazine . In 2009, she closed her internet diary by saying that every ass blog these days. She can no longer be found on Facebook either. However, she is active on Twitter . The Buschheuer choirs named after her, which have been rehearsing with prominent singers at secret locations since 2013, have been closed. In 2015 she worked as an editor for Thomas Gottschalk's autobiography " Herbstblond ".

Else Buschheuer has certificates in family constellation (2015), Reiki (master's degree 2004), as domina (2013). and as a hospice attendant (2007)





Else Buschheuer is one of the first German authors to keep an internet diary. She published excerpts from it in books:

  • www.else-buschheuer.de (2002) contains the reports from September 11th. ISBN 3-462-03095-7
  • Click! Me! On! (2002) gives the beginnings of her diary. ISBN 3-8311-4595-4
  • www.else.tv. The New York Diary 2 (2003) ISBN 3-8334-0033-1
  • Calcutta - Eilenburg - Chinatown. The New York Diary December 3, 2003 - August 2004 (2004)
  • Harlem Bangkok Berlin. The New York Diary IV. (2005) ISBN 3-8334-3526-7
  • Types, broken pieces and bon mots. The best of diary (2006)
  • Leipzig diary , Salier Verlag (2007) ISBN 3-939611-08-5
  • no violence !: diaries , Salier Verlag (2009) ISBN 3-939611-39-5

Film adaptations of their works

Web links

Commons : Else Buschheuer  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Markus Maier: Interview with actress Anna Fischer and author Else Buschheuer. In: SUPERillu.de. Retrieved March 26, 2016 .
  2. Else Buschheuer in an interview with Jana Hensel: "The fame felt like shit". In: TIME. April 3, 2019, accessed August 7, 2019 .
  3. ARD- "Kulturweltspiegel". It's over for Else. In: Spiegel online. November 21, 2001. Retrieved August 7, 2019 .
  4. Else Buschheuer: From New York to Leipzig: No more "How Are You Today Honey" . In: sueddeutsche.de . March 17, 2011, ISSN  0174-4917 ( sueddeutsche.de [accessed March 26, 2016]).
  5. Else Buschheuer: Essay: Opfor or Dädor? In: SPIEGEL ONLINE. August 15, 2009, accessed March 26, 2016 .
  6. Else Buschheuer: I am on rehab. In: "Tagesspiegel Online". May 5, 2009, accessed on May 4, 2011 : "Else Buschheuer gives up blogging and explains why she no longer wants to be a 'transparent woman'."
  7. https://twitter.com/buschheuer?lang=de Retrieved on August 26, 2018
  8. The writer Else Buschheuer trained to be a dominatrix - a decisive experience. In: sz-magazin.sueddeutsche.de. Retrieved March 26, 2016 .
  9. Else Buschheuer: Teresa set me up. In: www.taz.de. March 5, 2005, accessed March 26, 2016 .
  10. Else Buschheuer: Accompaniment for the dying: I'm here, Heinz . In: sueddeutsche.de . October 7, 2011, ISSN  0174-4917 ( sueddeutsche.de [accessed March 26, 2016]).
  11. First reporter award after Relotius: Report on digital dictatorship in China and disclosure of the Ibiza affair awarded ›Meedia. Retrieved April 2, 2020 .
  12. Else Buschheuer: Warrior. May 20, 2019, accessed April 2, 2020 .