Russkaya Pravda

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Russkaya pravda razvorot.jpg

Russkaja Prawda ( Old Russian: правда роусьская , pravda rus'skaja , "Russian truth [law]") was a legal code of the Kievan Rus , drawn up under Yaroslav the Wise , with regulations on property law, obligations, trade, inheritance law, murder and bodily harm, judicial proceedings in criminal investigations. The basis was the oral law of the Eastern Slavs in the 10th and 11th centuries.

Russkaya Pravda exists in at least three editions, some of which were added under Yaroslav's successors. The original version was long thought to be lost. It was only discovered in a monastery in the 18th century by the Russian historian Vasily Tatishchev . Russkaya Pravda influenced the legislation of the later Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania .

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