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Sæhrímnir or Sährimnir ( north: "sooty sea animal" or "cooking pit") is a boar of the Edda saga, which is served as a meal every night to the sir and the Einherjers as well as Odin's wolves Geri and Freki .

He is released from his cage in the morning so that the Einherjer can hunt him down. His meat is prepared by the chef Andhrímnir in the Eldhrímnir kettle . Then the boar is brought back to life so that it can be used as a meal again the next day.

Andhrimnir leaves in Eldhrimnir
Sahrimnir boil,
The best meat; but few learn
How much the Einherjer eat.

Genzmer called Koch, boiler and boars in his translation of Grimnirliedes Rußgesicht , carbon black and carbon black :

Soot face
lets the soot boil
carbon black in the boiler,
the best meat,
but not many know
what they eat, the Einherjer.

Web links

Wikisource: The Edda (1876), p. 281  - Sources and full texts


  • The Edda. Poetry of the gods, proverbs and heroic songs of the Germanic peoples (= Heyne general series. 01/10151). Transferred by Felix Genzmer . Introduced by Kurt Schier . Heyne, Munich 1996, ISBN 3-453-11989-4 (Grm. 54-61).