SAGE (France)

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In France , the SAGE ( schéma d'aménagement et de gestion des eaux - "Plan for the Management and Management of Waters") at the level of a water-bearing system (for example the catchment area of ​​a river) implements the general requirements that are specified by the SDAGE ( schéma directeur d'aménagement et de gestion des eaux ).

The SAGE is drawn up by a Commission locale de l'eau (CLE - "Local Water Commission"), in which representatives of the state, local authorities and consumers are represented. It is controlled by the responsible Agence de l'eau ("Water Agency").

This water management plan is formulated taking into account

  • natural water protection,
  • the need to conserve resources,
  • the development of agriculture,
  • the urban and economic environment,
  • a balance of interests of the different consumers, as well as
  • economic restrictions.

In order to obtain a manageable tool under these conditions, the local authorities involved can join together to form a communauté locale de l'eau ("local water community"), which usually takes the legal form of a syndicat mixte .

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