SINPO system

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The SINPO system is used to assess received shortwave radio broadcasts in radio traffic. The signal strength ( S : Signal Strength ), the impression of interference ( I : Interference ), the noise component ( N : Noise ), the intensity of propagation conditions ( P : Propagation ) and the overall impression ( O : Overall Merit ) of the signal are assessed with digits .


The signal strength is denoted by S. An S value of 5 means local station quality, which occurs only very rarely with shortwave broadcasts. The S value of 1 indicates that a broadcast signal can just about be recognized without speech or music being understood. The value I denotes the interference with a radio signal that can occur from neighboring radio stations or transmissions from other radio services . Disturbances of natural origin, such as thunderstorms or atmospheric disturbances, are summarized as background noise N. Propagation conditions are assessed with P. These are fading phenomena that are usually noticeable through fluctuations in the signal strength. The overall rating O is a summary rating of the shortwave signal.

Occasionally one also comes across the SINFO code, in which the F stands for fading .

  S. I. N P O
  Signal strength Disorder Noise Outbreak sturgeon Overall rating
  Strength Interference Noise Propagation Overall merit
5 very strong no no no very good
4th strong low low low Well
3 medium medium medium medium medium
2 weak strong strong strong bad
1 very weak very strong very strong very strong unusable


The SINPFEMO system is available as an extension to the SINPO system . The influences of fading ( F : fading ), modulation quality ( E ) and degree of modulation ( M : modulation ) are also assessed here.

  S. I. N P F. E. M. O
  Signal strength Disorder Noise Outbreak sturgeon Fading frequency Modulation quality Degree of modulation Overall rating
  Strength Interference Noise Propagation fading modulation Overall merit
5 very strong no no no no very good very good very good
4th strong low low low slowly Well Well Well
3 medium medium medium medium moderate sufficient sufficient medium
2 weak strong strong strong fast bad bad or no modulation bad
1 very weak very strong very strong very strong very fast very bad permanently overmodulated unusable

Similar systems

Often only the less extensive RST system is used for assessing broadcasts in the amateur radio service . The RS system is used in the same way for the assessment of voice radio transmissions (Phonie) , in which the assessment of the sound quality is irrelevant. The RSQ system is used to assess digitally coded signals (radio telex, radio data transmission) .


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