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The SQX format is an open, free archive format up to version 2 and can be used in your own applications free of license fees . The use of the SDK provided on the homepage, the source texts for version 1.1 and the fully compiled program libraries are also not associated with any license costs. For the latest version 2 only fully compiled program libraries were made available. There is no documentation of the file format or freely available source text for creating or unpacking the archives for version 2, which is why this version is no longer an open archive format.

The format's official website has not been available since 2016. Since then, the program libraries for using the format in your own programs can only be obtained from unofficial sources and archived versions of the former website.

The SQX-Archiver is a high-performance archiver that was developed because there are hardly any complete specifications for the usual archivers . Archive formats with particularly good compression performance or other properties such as repair data and strong encryption may only be used in your own applications, if at all, for unpacking.

The file extension is .sqx .

Performance characteristics

  • LZH variant as primary compressor with support for dictionaries from 32 K to 4096 K
  • Various extra modes for multimedia data
  • High performance audio compressor (WAV)
  • Special compressor unit for executable files
  • Support for solid and non-solid archives
  • Secure 128/256-bit AES encryption (Rijndael) for files
  • Optional independent encryption of the archive directories
  • Internal and external repair data
  • Full support for 64-bit file systems. The maximum size of the archives or volumes is only limited by the operating system
  • Support for archives with digital signatures (signatures up to 512 bit with 2 * 1024 bit encrypted)
  • SFX modules for DOS (32bit PMode) and Windows. All SFX modules support multivolume archives
  • Archive and file comments

Web links