Saône-Rhône culture

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Distribution area

The late Neolithic Early Bronze Age ( French éolithique final valasian ) Saône-Rhône culture (around 2800-2400 BC) was widespread in eastern France and western Switzerland and is divided into various regional groups (Saône, Chalain, Upper Savoy and Auvernier) Group). The lakeside culture, which practices agriculture and animal husbandry , is primarily known from hoard and grave finds such as the Petit-Chasseur dolmen .

Finds of a certain type of copper indicate that it was producing its own metal. Contacts to the ceramic cup cultures ( dagger discovery from Pressigny Feuerstein in the canton of Valais ) and imports from the northern Italian Remedello culture are documented.

Statuary menhirs , like those of Petit-Chassuer, are decorated with patterned clothing, double -spiral jewelry , belts and daggers. Typical is a coarse, lightly fired pottery, the main shape of which is the barrel-shaped vessel with broad knobs, as well as narrow ridge axes, triangular daggers and dress needles with a disc-shaped, chased head (made of bronze).


  • Werner E. Stöckli et al. (Ed.): Switzerland from the Neolithic to the early Middle Ages. Swiss Society for Ur- u. Early history, Basel 1995, ISBN 3-908006-51-1 .