Say of the landlady of Bos-cha

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The legend of the landlady of Bos-cha is at home in the hamlet of Bos-cha near Ardez in the Lower Engadine .



In Bos-cha there used to be a Usteria ( Rhaeto-Romanic for « tavern »), in which a band of robbers had their domicile. The landlady herself was a member of the gang. She had a son who lived abroad and had made a certain fortune there thanks to diligence, perseverance, and righteousness. One day an Engadin told him about his mother's evil goings-on in his distant home. The son couldn't believe it and soon decided to return to Bos-cha and see that things were going well.

At dusk he knocked at the inn and was let in by his mother, who did not recognize him. But she did notice the heavy belt with the wallet. The son lay down on the bench in the oven while the mother prepared the meal. Exhausted from the trip, he fell asleep. The landlady came and poured a pan full of boiling butter into the snoring man's open mouth . The dying man could still stammer: "Mother, mother, what have you done !?"

When she heard these words, the mother recognized the son. Her wailing was tremendous and she cried and screamed. Then she disappeared from the village forever. Long after these events, hikers could see a ghost-like figure in the area at night, who had a black and yellow hand and warned them with this that they should avoid the village and the pub.


  • The saga of the landlady of Bos-cha, in: Fairytale hiking. In the footsteps of Bündner sagas and fairy tales, 2nd edition 2003, Terra Grischuna Verlag Chur, p. 67