Salerno Editrice

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Salerno Editrice is an Italian book publisher based in Rome .

The publishing house was founded in 1972. The publishing director and program director is Enrico Malato, Professor Emeritus of Italian Literature at the University of Naples Federico II . The focus of the publishing program is on the classics of world literature as well as specialist literature in the fields of philology , history and philosophy . According to its own information, Salerno Editrice publishes around 80 new titles per year, most of which appear in book series . In the field of literature, the publisher has published numerous books by and about Dante Alighieri , including: a. in the series “Nuova Edizione Commentata delle Opere di Dante (NECOD)” and “Edizione Nazionale dei Commenti Danteschi”. In addition to several multi-volume works on the history of literature, the publisher also publishes the periodic bibliography on Italian literature and language, "Bibliografia Generale della Lingua e della Letteratura Italiana (BiGLI)".

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