Salvine pigeon

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Salvine pigeon
Peruvian Pigeon.jpg

Salvin Pigeon ( Patagioenas oenops )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Pigeon birds (Columbiformes)
Family : Pigeons (Columbidae)
Genre : American pigeons ( Patagioenas )
Type : Salvine pigeon
Scientific name
Patagioenas oenops
( Salvin , 1831)
Patagioenas oenops-2009-0124.jpg

The salvine pigeon ( Patagioenas oenops ) is a species of pigeon birds. It occurs exclusively in a very small area in South America. The IUCN assigns the salvine pigeons to endangered ( vulnerable ) species.

The Maranon Pigeon is occasionally in the German language as Peru pigeon called. However, this name is not unique and is more often used for Zenaida meloda from the genus of the weeping doves . Another species is called the Peruvian pigeon ( Columbina cruziana ).


The salvine pigeon reaches a body length of up to 34 centimeters. It is about the size of a city ​​pigeon , but has a slightly slimmer build. The gender dimorphism is only slightly pronounced. Like the young birds, the females are a little more dull in color than the adult males. In its plumage it is very similar to the red-billed pigeon .

The plumage is overall gray with a dull, wine-red tint. The wings of the hand are dark with narrow white borders. The wing covers, the belly, the lower back as well as the rump and the under tail coverts are dark gray. The tail feathers are also dark gray and become darker towards the end. The beak is orange-red at the base. The tip, on the other hand, is dark gray.

Distribution and way of life

The salvine pigeon is found in Peru and Ecuador. In Peru, their range is predominantly limited to the river system in the upper reaches of the Marañón . The avifauna in this area has not been adequately studied. However, the population of this species is only estimated at 2,500 to 10,000 individuals. The population is threatened because the habitat of this pigeon is increasingly being destroyed and fragmented.

The habitat of this pigeon are forests along rivers, which are dominated by the willow species Salix humbertiana . It also occurs in the much drier forests on steep slopes of river valleys. The altitude distribution is between 800 and 2,400 meters. However, the species has also been observed in forests that have been severely altered by logging. This species has also been seen on mango plantations. Very little is known about the way of life of this pigeon. Cocoa beans are part of their diet. Presumably the species also eats a wide range of other seeds as well as fruits, berries, leaves and saplings. The food intake takes place mainly on trees. The salvine pigeon only seems to come to the ground to pick up stones.

Field observations on reproductive habits are hardly available. The courtship has been observed in salvine pigeons kept in human care. The male's courtship repertoire includes a steep straightening up, it then kinks in the heels and, like the laughing dove, lowers and lifts the chest in a steady rhythm. The clutch consists of only one egg. The breeding season is 15 to 16 days.

Keeping in human care

Salvine pigeons were introduced to Belgium and the Netherlands several times in the early 1980s. They are considered to be unproblematic aviary birds, but they need a frost-free shelter. One keeper tended two males and four females in one aviary. The excess females took part in the rearing of the young birds.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. a b c BirdLife Factsheet , accessed June 26, 2009
  2. Gibbs, p. 227
  3. a b Münst, p. 147


  • David Gibbs, Eustace Barnes and John Cox: Pigeons and Doves - A Guide to the Pigeons and Doves of the World . Pica Press, Sussex 2001, ISBN 90-74345-26-3 .
  • Alois Münst and Josef Wolters: Tauben - The species of wild pigeons , 2nd expanded and revised edition, Verlag Karin Wolters, Bottrop 1999, ISBN 3-9801504-9-6 .
  • Gerhard Rösler: The wild pigeons of the earth - free living, keeping and breeding . M. & H. Schaper Verlag, Alfeld-Hannover 1996, ISBN 3-7944-0184-0 .

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