Sameting (Finland)

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Sajos cultural center
Basic data
Seat: Inari
Legislative period : 4 years
MPs: 21st
Current legislative period
Chair: Tuomas Aslak Juuso
Meeting room in the Sajos cultural center opened in 2012

The Sameting in Finland ( Finnish Saamelaiskäräjät , North Sami Sámediggi , Inarisamisch Samitigge , Skoltsamisch Sääʹnteʹǧǧ ) is the parliament of the Sami in Finland . The seat of parliament is the Lappish municipality Inari in the administrative community of Northern Lapland . In Norway and Sweden there is a respective Sami Parliament .


Finland was the first country to set up a Sami representation on November 9, 1973. Originally this was called the "Sami Parliament" ( North Sami Sámi parlameanta ) or "Sami Delegation" (Finnish Saamelaisvaltuuskunta ). On July 17, 1995 the Sameting Act was passed, and on March 2, 1996 the "Sami Parliament" officially became the "Sameting".


The meeting is subordinate to the Finnish Ministry of Justice. According to the law, it is his job to stand up for the language and culture of the Sami and their status as indigenous people. In these matters, the Sameting can submit initiatives and proposals to the authorities and publish statements. It also represents the Sami in national and international contacts and decides on the distribution of state grants to the Sami. The state authorities are obliged to negotiate decisions that directly affect the position of the Sami (e.g. Sami-language school lessons, land use in the Sami home region) with the Sameting.


The 21 members of the Sampling are elected every four years by the Finnish Sami. Any adult seed with Finnish citizenship or residence in Finland is entitled to vote. A seed is someone who identifies himself as a seed and has at least one parent or grandparent who speaks Sami as their mother tongue. Each community in the Sami home area must be represented by at least three members. The meeting meets four to five times a year for plenary assembly. It elects the government, which is headed by a full-time chairman and subordinate to five committees on cultural, linguistic, educational, social and legal issues.

See also

Web links

Commons : Sameting (Finland)  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Legal text in Finnish , in English translation (PDF; 191 kB)